Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Write An Essay On The Dussehra Festival

The Dussehra is one of the important festivals of the Hindus. It is celebrated in all states of India. It falls in the month of October every year, It reminds us of Rama's victory over Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and Meghnath are put up in big open spacious maidans to be burnt in the evening. Before this day Ram Leela is being enacted for fen days at different places all over India.

Essay On The Dussehra Festival
Essay On The Dussehra Festival

Preparations of these effigies start taking place two weeks before Dussehra day These are filled up with paper, cloth, and bombs. One by one these effigies are burnt by Rama (of the particular Rama Leela). People gather at such places in large numbers the witness the burning of the effigies. Then they return home. This festival reminds us of the victory 'of truth and goodness over evil. At such places, people buy eatables, balloons, toys, etc.

The sweet-sellers do roaring business. Puries and jelebies are in great demand. At the maidan, one can see men and women, old and young, rich and poor wearing beautiful clothes. This festival gives great joy to children especially. Those who cannot go to witness the burning of these effigies sit at home and watch their T.V. sets where some such scenes of different places are shown by the Doordarshan kendras.


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