Friday, December 25, 2020

Write An Essay On If I Were a Millionaire

"Money makes the mare go' is a famous saying. It is still true today. No one pays attention to a poor man's words. Whereas a rich man is heard well and with respect. Whatever he does is right.

Essay On  If I were a Millionaire
Essay On  If I were a Millionaire

The law thinks twice before passing any sentence against him. People believe that a rich person can't do anything wrong which is illegal. There is none who does not want to become rich these days. To become rich is everybody's aim. I also want to become a millionaire although my aim is altogether different.

I too want to realize the warmth and power of money. If were a millionaire. first of all, I would like to buy a good bungalow, a car, and invest money in real estate. I would furnish my bungalow with all the modern luxuries of the world. I would keep the best help to attend to my orders. I would like to visit America, England, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, and other developed countries to get first-hand knowledge of the rich people living there so that I Could boast of my vast knowledge back home in India.

After my travels abroad, back home in India, I would open an educational institute on the western pattern for the benefit of my country youths. I would charge a good fee from the rich and no fee from the poor. The talented children would be given preference in admission irrespective of caste, colour I would show the most affluent people that the poor children were capable of achieving great heights. All men are born equal and are capable of doing great adventures in life. 


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