Monday, November 16, 2020

Write An Essay On Value of Discipline

Value of Discipline disciplined. No nation can be great unless its people are Disciplined. Discipline in life is the key to success. No country, school, college, institute, or home without discipline, can function properly. Thus, it is necessary for all fields of life. There is a discipline in our house. Children obey their parents. Parents too love them. There is perfect, quiet, and peace in the house.

Essay On Value of discipline
Essay On Value of discipline 

Everything goes on smoothly. An undisciplined army is unmanageable. It will surely suffer defeat on the battlefield. Whereas a disciplined army fights unitedly come out victorious. The discipline of the Indian army is well-known all over the world. In the classroom, no teacher can teach his or her students. It is necessary for the class to maintain discipline. One learns discipline first at home and then in school.

To obey the set rules is discipline. In a family, the head can't run it smoothly if the members of the family don't maintain discipline. In an assembly, all the members must observe discipline if they want to do any good job successfully and in time. Even in offices, it has to be observed strictly. An office sans (without) discipline can't function at all. In fact, discipline is very essential in all walks of life. In its absence, there will be an utter disorder, confusion, and chaos. No nation can progress in its absence. It is the key to success. 


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